The Lingering Effects of Racism on Mental Health

An ethnic person silenced with duct tape | Photo by Savannah B.

Some people have suffered the effects of racism on mental health, pushing them to face different traumas every day.

America is still living in a double-standard world, favoring whites over people of color. The twisted idea that whites are a group of superior individuals is the very reason behind the jarring effects of racism on mental health. We all know that the generation today suffers from mental health issues. The minorities or the colored people in America have also been subjected to traumas when the whites disturb their very existence.

DeHaven J. Alexander, author of Racism in White America, discusses the double standards America is still practicing. With his book, he sheds light on how racism is still strong in the core of America, putting people of color at a disadvantage. DeHaven J. Alexander uses his platform to educate and promote an open dialogue to engage people in conversations about the effects of racism. Readers will learn about social justice and equality. The author writes books in different genres like Children’s Literature (Smokey’s Big Day)and Mystery/Thriller (The Attic by DeHaven Alexander).

Racism has always been a hot topic for many years now. It’s something that’s really hard to destroy, as a lot of people still practice it. In recent years, we have witnessed the world falling apart in chaos. The reason? Racism. It is the core of why everything is in shambles – wars, gun violence, police brutality, political corruption schemes, etc. The effects of racism on mental health also play a role in making a lot of people uncomfortable being with other people because of the violence that might happen.

Racial Trauma

Racial trauma is a condition that arises from racist abuse or discrimination. The trauma can also give rise to the following:

  • Depression
  • High blood pressure
  • Anxiety
  • Eating disorder
  • Substance misuse and abuse
  • PTSD

Racial trauma can be inherited into the coming generation by recounting the horrific experiences. Black children are observed to have higher levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, in their system compared to those born in white ancestry.


Another effect of racism on mental health is the powering up of stigma around the mental well-being of people of color. A black man will find it more difficult to reach out for help than white people, as problems like depression and anxiety are seen as weaknesses in the black community. With this, getting the help needed is impossible to achieve when the stigma is strong. Most of the therapists are also white, making people of color more stressed when asking for help.

Few Minority Therapists

The majority of the therapists in America are white, favored by the white Americans in the double standard world. There is only a handful of black professionals that handle mental health issues. With this, black people are more likely to get misdiagnosed as the white therapists would find it hard to understand the stressed and intimidated black people when sharing their testimonies in the therapy room.

How to Fight the Effects of Racism on Mental Health?

One way to fight the effects of racism on mental health is to prioritize mental health. With systemic racism happening in school, work, and even the government itself, we still need to reach deep into ourselves and pull ourselves out of the dark. You need to prioritize yourself first. It will be a difficult fight, but you need to strengthen your network in order to move forward and walk through a community with a white and racist mentality.

Share Your Story

In order for you to reach out to people, you must get through the effects of racism on mental health on your own. Share your story with those you trust the most. The fight against the cruel world becomes easier when you go by the hundreds. Keep your head up and connect with the people closest to you. In return, you also need to listen to their stories to keep the connection strong. With this, you will have the confidence to open up a dialogue with the community, opening their minds about the minority.

Embrace the Person in the Mirror

Your ethnicity is already in your genes. You need to embrace that person you see in the mirror every day. As you accept your family history and culture that runs in your blood, you will have a full understanding of how you will fight the effects of racism on mental health.

A woman holding a broken piece of a mirror with her reflection in it, not looking directly to her

Photo by jurien huggins on Unsplash

Tame Your Inner Dragon

The effects of racism on mental health, community, or the minority would have already bottled up some emotions on people of color. You need to channel your anger and make use of it to educate the community. You can always join an anti-racism or other activist group that will help you reach out to others and somehow spread awareness about how bad racism is. Voting for the right person in office will also keep the community in check. Your anger towards the effects of racism on mental health and other aspects of the culture may be transformed into a creative pursuit, letting other people understand you more through art, performances, and humor.


You must know that there is always hope. Try to see the positive outcome of what you already understood about yourself. The effects of racism on mental health may cement themselves into the ego of people. Nevertheless, these can still be avoided by reaching out to the victims and helping them see the light.

1 thought on “The Lingering Effects of Racism on Mental Health”

  1. Pingback: Crucial Ways to Combat Racism: Let’s Talk About It!

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